You can contribute on this website by submitting 3D scans of tattooed body parts.

Apart from asking specific tattooers or artists to create their own world, other levels made from submitted material are constantly being built and uploaded. If you would like to upload a tattoo you have not made yourself, please add the name and website of the artist if possible.

Make sure your upload stay under 100MB / zip - so far no specific format is required as long it's a 3D-file. As every file needs to be reformatted and cleaned before being processed, please be patient. There is no guarantee that it will be built in to the coming level.

There are several apps to create 3D-scans with your phone. The app mostly used here is Trio. Here's a tutorial of how to use it. And one by its creators.

With uploading a model to this site and contributing to develop the map, I confirm that everybody envolded (tattooer and customer) agree to the upload and the usage of the uploaded model/bodypart as landmass.